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Research, Reference List and Literature

1. This movie shows that the horse gets an asymmetrical movement pattern by the rider sitting obliquely.


2. This study demonstrates that participating in a rider core fitness program can have a significant effect on riders symmetry and consequently provide an important method for reducing asymmetrical loading and improving both human and equine performance. The step length of the horse increased significantly. 

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3. This study demonstrates the demands on dressage riders competing at higher levels may predispose these riders to a higher risk of developing asymmetry and potentially chronic back pain rather than improving their symmetry.


4. A preliminary study into rider asymmetry within equitation.


5. Riding instructor level3, researcher,pedagogy teachers and writer to the Swedish book "Sitsskolan". 

Practical application of dismounted exercises to improve the riders’s seat. 2010. Marie Zetterqvist Blokhuis. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Equitation Science Conference 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, July31-August 2, 2010.


Literature horse riders:


6. Sitsskolan: Marie Zetterqvist Blokhuis (In Swedish)

7. Spänst och harmoni i ryttarens sits: Vogelius/ Storm (In Swedish)

8. Rider biomechanics: Mary Wanless

9. Ride with your mind essential: Mary Wanless

10.Centered Ridning: Sally Swift 

11. One with the horse: Sally Swift

12.Balance in movement: Susanne von Dietze


13. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH).


14. Sept. 25 issue of the journal Occupational Medicine


15. Marian Papp, PhD, yoga teacher and researcher. She has a master´s degree in public health towards preventive medicine. Unfortunately, this study is only in Swedish.

Read more about Marian Papps study at  


16. Here you will find some Swedish research on how yoga (MediYoga) can help stress and back problems.

Stress: MediYoga for patients with stress related symptoms and diagnoses in primary health care: Randomized controlled trial.

Backpain: Cost-effectiveness of early intervention for non-specific low back pain: Randomized controlled study intervestigateg medical yoga, exercises therapy and self- care advice.

 svensk forskning om yoga


Literature Yoga:


17. Yoga, vetenskap och fakta: Sara Hoy (In Swedish)

18. Anatomy of Hatha yoga: Coulter

19. Yoga Anatomy: Leslie Kaminoff

20. Yoga as medicine: Timothy McCall M.D.

21. A Path with Heart. Jack Kornfield

22. Yoga sutra: Patanjali

23. Bhagavad Gita

24. Light on Yoga: B.K.S Iyengar

25. Anatomy of movement: Blandine Calais-Germain

26. Yoga & Ayurveda: David Frawley



Pia Wallberg

Tel + 46 70 540 11 15


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